Intel Corp has released its dual-core Intel Xeon Processor 5100 series. According to the company, the new server processors, previously codenamed "Woodcrest," are the first to take advantage of Intel's Core micro-architecture, a power-sensitive blueprint design that also includes several innovations to dramatically improve performance. Pat Gelsinger, senior vice president and general manager - digital enterprise group, Intel Corp, said "Simply put, the core micro-architecture is a technical marvel that is driving a new era of power efficiency, without compromising on what can only be described as eye-popping dual-core 64-bit performance."
“The performance and system-level power consumption we’re seeing from our platforms built around the new Core microarchitecture has exceeded even our expectations,” said Kirk Skaugen, vice president and general manager of Intel’s Server Platforms Group. “At the same time, customers demand more than just energy-efficient performance. We’ve developed a superior platform that delivers the latest server technologies including faster and more reliable memory, Intel® Virtualization Technology (Intel® VT), Intel® Active Server Manager and Intel® I/O Acceleration Technology. (Intel® I/OAT)”
Fully-buffered dual in-line memory (FB-DIMM) technology allows for better memory capacity, throughput and overall reliability. This is critical for creating balanced platforms using multiple cores and the latest technologies, such as virtualization, to meet the expanding demand for compute headroom.
These benchmarks, along with additional records set by the Dual-Core Intel® Xeon® processor 5000 and Dual-Core Intel Xeon processor 5100, can be accessed by visiting
Current Intel Price List::
Processors :: Price in 1,000 unit quantities::
Dual-Core Intel Xeon processor 50803.73GHz, 2x2MB L2, 1066MHz FSB- $851
Dual-Core Intel Xeon processor 5063 MV3.20 GHz, 2x2MB L2, 1066 MHz FSB- $369
Dual-Core Intel Xeon processor 50603.20GHz, 2x2MB L2, 1066 MHz FSB- $316
Dual-Core Intel Xeon processor 50503GHz, 2x2MB L2, 667 MHz FSB- $177